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Download ftp software for Windows for free

ClipUpload icon
Upload any file from your clipboard to the Internet with just a click
Solar FTP Server icon
An extremely easy-to-use FTP server
CrossFTP icon
FTP client with lots of support
Sobees icon
Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, all together
Whiz FTP icon
An FTP client to make your life easier
1st Choice FTPPro icon
Easily transfer files with your FTP server
FastTrack FTP icon
You can stop looking: here's the definitive FTP client
miFiles icon
Simple, free FTP client
AceFTP icon
An FTP client that supports simultaneous connections
UpRight icon
Add an FTP to your Windows context menu
FireFTP icon
Convert your Firefox into an FTP client
Auto FTP Manager icon
Easy FTP client which allows you to automatize tasks
SmartFTP icon
Simple and reliable FTP client
ALFTP icon
A simple and intuitive FTP client and server
RightLoad icon
A simple way to upload files to servers
AbleFTP icon
Automatize file transfers to any FTP server
Fresh FTP icon
Because an FTP client can be easy to use and free