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CPU Benchmark Tools

Discover the best CPU Benchmark Apps available for Windows to assess your computer's performance easily and effectively. These tools are designed to test key aspects such as processor speed, multitasking capabilities, and overall system efficiency. Whether you're comparing hardware, ensuring optimal performance, or simply satisfying curiosity about your PC's specifications, these apps provide detailed insights. For example, imagine you've recently upgraded your hardware and want to confirm its performance improvements compared to the previous setup. These apps allow you to measure and evaluate those advancements comprehensively. Don't wait—visit Uptodown to download the most suitable CPU benchmarking tool for your needs and ensure your machine runs at its best!
FurMark 2 icon
The successor to one of the best stress tests for PC
CrystalMark Retro icon
Test your PC's performance
Prime95 icon
Test your computer's performance
Uningine Benchmark icon
Put your computer's power to the test
Quick CPU icon
Get all the data about the performance of your processor
Geekbench AI icon
Evaluate your PC's performance in AI tasks
Geekbench icon
Do performance tests to your PC
Cinebench icon
Check your computer's processor performance
UserBenchmark icon
Check the status of your PC in less than a minute
Ciusbet Hardware BenchMark icon
Check the performance of your PC and its components
CPU-Z icon
All the information about the hardware used by your PC
CPU-Z Portable icon
Access all the detailed information about your system