Organize and arrange your collections
Organize all your collections, even stamps
eep in order your book collection
Conveniently search through your CDs without putting them in the drive
Control your cds with this application
Organize your movie collection with this personal manager
Fill up the id3 Tags of your Mp3 files automatically
Organize and control your TV shows
Simple catalogue creator for your CD and DVD collection
Order and catalogue your music, CDs, DVDs, books...
A comprehensive application featuring a medley of tools
Combine your clothes and get dressed better than ever
Find your PDF files in just a few seconds
Create a database with your Movies and Series
A really good way to manage your movies and home videos
Catalogue your entire collection of programs
Organize your DVD collection
Organize and catalog your music collection
Organize your personal CD/DVD collection
Create and organize a database of your collections
Catalog your documents and multimedia files
Catalog your favorite movies
Manage and sort you entire movie collection
Manage your movies with this useful tool
Excellent, free utility for cataloging your collections
A new full-featured music cataloger with built-in player
Update your movie list with complete info
Organize your music collection with access to Wikipedia
Catalogue and organise your CD collection