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Discover the most downloaded Personal software under Mac

Economix icon
A personal finance manager to administer your savings
Splendid City Lite icon
Tool for organizing sports tournaments
Apimac Timer icon
An attractive stopwatch with built in alarm for Mac
Yum icon
Practical recipe organizer
Comical icon
Functional app for reading comics in CBR and CBZ format
PopChar icon
Find special characters easily
PersonalBrain icon
Create dynamic, interactive concept maps
Buddi icon
Keep your personal or family budget on track with this tool
Book Hunter icon
Organize and catalog your book collection
Game Hunter icon
Organize your game collection
DVD Hunter icon
Organize your movie collection with this free cataloger
NovaMind Pro icon
Good application to create colorful mind maps
Dress Assistant icon
Organize your wardrobe and combine your favorite items of clothing
SousChef icon
Digital assistant to help you cook any recipe step-by-step
BOINC icon
Collaborate on research projects from your Mac
ohmiGene icon
Fantastic tool for generating family trees
Eloquent icon
An aide for studying the Bible and the word of God
NeoOffice icon
Word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and more
MindNode icon
Create basic mind maps
OOo4Kids icon
OpenOffice version optimized for kids
iCompta icon
The easiest way to keep your family budget up-to-date
Aurora icon
An alarm clock that uses your iTunes playlists
Yep icon
A PDF manager similar to iPhoto, but for documents
Squi Rel icon
Personal finance manager with interactive graphs
Task Coach icon
Personalized to-do manager that includes timetracking.
Bean icon
Enriched text processor improves TextEdit
Money icon
Compact management of bank accounts and transactions
YummySoup icon
Kitchen recipes organizer with online library