Create your own podcasts and broadcast them easily
Listen to music from YouTube with a music player on your desktop
Download songs from streaming services like Grooveshark
Create fun collages with your favorite photos
Create music with this rhythm generator
Transcribe the chords from any recorded song
Learn how to play the guitar without running into too many roadblocks
Create, edit, and listen to your own tabs
Organize and rename episodes from your favorite TV shows
Movies, series, TV... what more could you want?
More convenience when you sort your iTunes library
A good handful of samples always ready to play
Learn how to play the guitar with these interactive sessions
Tag and organize your music library
Vol + and Vol - with the mouse scroll wheel
Modify and modulate the sound to change your voice
Easy to use subtitle editor
Personalized coundowns in video format
Get rid of extra noise, hissing, and humming on audio files
Tune almost any stringed instrument!
Converts RGB values of pixels from an image into music
Easily catalog your entire music collection
Add subtitles to video to watch it on your iPod, iPhone or AppleTV
Get information from multimedia files
Indiana Jones–style animations for your vacation videos