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Download maintenance software for Mac for free

balenaEtcher icon
Create self-booting external disks on Mac
CleanMyMac icon
Keep your computer in good shape
coconutBattery icon
Stay on top of your laptop's battery status
CCleaner icon
Clean your Mac in a few seconds
Geekbench icon
Perform several tests to check your Mac performance
iStat menus icon
Take a look at your whole system from your menu bar
Cocktail icon
Time to tune up your Mac
OnyX icon
Mac maintenance tool and optimizer
UEFITool icon
Edit your computer's BIOS or UEFI image
iCareFone icon
The definitive program for handling your iOS device
Typeeto icon
Use your Mac's keyboard for any other device
MacClean icon
Clean and optimize all the components of your Mac
Maintenance icon
Maintenance tasks to improve your Mac's performance
smcFanControl icon
Set your computer's fan speed
Macube Cleaner icon
All-in-one Mac Cleaner Software: Clean Up Your Mac Efficiently
BitDefender Antivirus icon
One of the best Windows antivirus programs... now available for Mac
Deeper icon
Configure hidden settings of your Mac
Fan Control icon
Adjusts the fan's RPM according to the MacBook's temperatures
Rember icon
Check health status of the RAM of your Mac
iDefrag icon
Disk defragmentor to optimize file system
MainMenu icon
Automated tasks to optimize the system
TunesCare icon
Correct any error in iTunes
iTransGo icon
Transfer all the content from your old iPhone to your new one
MacBooster icon
Optimize your Mac, clean out junk, and speed it up!
Cisdem iPhoneCleaner icon
An easy way to clean and speed up your iPhone
AppRemover icon
Uninstall any app completely without risks
OptimUSB icon
Optimize your USB devices
Automize icon
Automize and program tasks on your computer
MenuMeters icon
System performance data on your task bar
IceClean icon
System Maintenace based on UNIX operations
Secrets icon
Reveal hidden settings for Mac OS X Leopard