Java, C and Ruby application development from your Mac
Access information about video and audio files
Play on the cloud as well as your Mac
Efficiently manage all your computer passwords
Recover any deleted or damaged file
Voice chat software, specially for gamers
Design mind maps with all kinds of possibilities
Compare and sync the contents of your folders on Mac
BitTorrent client that generates a social network with its users
A comprehensive browser focused on privacy and security
2 GB online shared storage system
Digital audio editing for your Mac
An alternative open source browser
Transform your audio experience with Boom 2
Edit your DVDs and avoid incompatibility problems
Screen capture with image editing and filters
Powerful Wii U emulator for Mac
Turn your Mac into a home theater with 3D surround sound
Try the latest features in the Mozilla browser
Quickly improve your link exchange
What if you could use your iPhone as a common removable HD?
Create amazing drawings on your Mac
A Comprehensive Media Tool for macOS
Talk with all your Telegram contacts from your Mac
First-class OpenVPN client
Securely access restricted content in your area
An ideal app for managing ZIP or RAR files
Full-powered video editor with professional results for Mac
Create your own blog on your Mac
Transform DVD to MPEG with this exceptional video converter
Manage your finances with this comprehensive program
Free VPN Proxy, fast and secure
A complete SEO tool for digital marketers
Time to tune up your Mac
Password management with auto-complete function
Turn your iPad into a convenient second screen
Easily manage your files
Free file compression for Mac
Anonymous browsing for OS X
Powerful file manager