Public transportation information for buses and the subway in Turkey
Find the locations of Leiseca events and actions
Find transportation quickly in the country of the rising sun
Bus schedules and tracking for this South Korean city
A mobile navigation system that does what no other tool can
Follow commercial flights from your smartphone
Find information on parking and traffic for cities in India
Manage your parking tickets in Austria
Keep track of the time in different cities with various widgets
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GPS Camera is here so you'll never forget where you're going
Stay up to date on public transportation in Germany
Find your favorite car and rent it on this platform
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Useful tools for driving in the Netherlands
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With this navigator, you'll never get lost again
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Reviews from world travelers – all written in Arabic
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Map of New York's subway system
Public transportation maps for Singapore
Get maps of anywhere in the world on your mobile device
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Maps and schedules for South Korea's Metro
Check South Korean metro lines, routes, and schedules
Buy and sell vehicles near you
Hail a taxi and check the fare before you leave
Detailed information for train schedules and tickets in India
Calculate routes and arrive to your destination on time
Get notified when a radar is coming up on the highway
Info and ID for your current phone call
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Tap-to-Pay Android Wallet with Easy Balance Top-Up and NFC Support
A currency exchange tool that will help you avoid trouble
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The official app for the 2015 World's Fair in Milan
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The Yellow Pages in Canada
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