Hyperspace Wars is an SRPG set in a multiverse in which a cast of anime characters belonging to different franchises coexist. Combine the skills of...
12 k downloads
DC: Dark Legion is an SRPG which takes you to Gotham City to live out exciting adventures with characters from the DC universe. In addition...
3.2 k downloads
Sword of Convallaria is an SRPG in the same vein as the genre's great classics, such as Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre, where you'll...
1.1 k downloads
Reverse: 1999 is a title that combines RPG with gacha gameplay and card games. You will explore a new world while trying to get as...
22.9 k downloads
The King of Fighters: Tactics is a turn-based tactical role-playing game where you play as a team of fighters such as Kyo Kusanagi, Mai Shiranui...
4.3 k downloads
Valiant Force is a strategic RPG where you recruit a group of legendary heroes to explore the world of Arathos. In a magical world is...
20.5 k downloads
Arknights is a strategy game in which your goal is to keep your enemies from crossing your borders. In this anime-style tower defense game, you'll...
56.2 k downloads
Flame Dragon Knights is an SRPG similar to Fire Emblem, set in a medieval fantasy world that’s deep in a civil war. Your mission will...
8.9 k downloads
Become a vampire and explore dozens of caves full of enemies in Man or Vampire, an RPG with a turn based combat system. Your Objective:...
40.7 k downloads
The Alchemist Code is a JRPG with a turn-based combat system where you immerse yourself in a fantasy world dominated by The Alchemy, an arcane...
50.4 k downloads