Find hidden differences in HD food images for fun brain training
Engage with educational chemistry puzzles in HD
Solve logic puzzles to create works of art
Fun grid puzzles to do on your smartphone
Relaxing spot-the-difference puzzle game
Mermaid-themed jigsaw puzzles with global competition and peek feature
Educational vehicle puzzle game for toddlers with interactive rewards
Really fun and educational puzzles
Engaging match-stick puzzle with a unique two-stick crossing rule
Have some fun trying out different ways to kill stickmen in a lab
You'll love this puzzle game designed for kids
Engaging Russian scanwords puzzle game with weekly updates
Save the Celts from the Roman invasion in this object game
Engaging quiz game with unexpected, humorous puzzles for trivia lovers
Play this game by drawing with a single line
A 3D cubic puzzle
Find ways to connect two points
Pick out the word that doesn't belong!