Enhance Android lock screen with minimalistic utility
Educational Bulgarian flag live wallpaper and custom flag creator
Enhanced classic Phase Beam with stunning visuals and performance consistency
A dynamic and new theme for your launcher
Enhance android aesthetics with fa launcher themes
Darken your keyboard with this theme
Animated dandelion wallpaper with interactive touch features
3D cherry blossom live wallpapers for Android with customization
Design, customize, and explore Ghana flag symbols with live wallpapers
Tell the time with this analog clock
A huge database of boot animations
Pretty colors for your keyboard
Create realistic firework displays on your phone with dynamic sounds and colors
High-tech letters for your keyboard
An indicator bar for your battery life
Refined yet light launcher to control your smartphone
Completely change your screen's layout
Refresh your phone interface with a sleek, unified theme overhaul
Check the time even at night
Enhance your Samsung/HTC device with stylish, free fonts
A theme for CM Launcher featuring a special mythical creature
Immerse in tranquil Lakshmi live wallpaper, minimal battery drain
Customize your static home screen with dynamic scrolling wallpapers
An animated wallpaper of the night sky
Try this awesome theme for CM9
Discover your compatibility as a couple
Enjoy this font packet on your Samsung Galaxy
With Apex Launcher, you can set up a unique theme
FlipFont lets you install these modern and attractive fonts