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WeeklyPlanner icon
SpritzVR icon
Konrad Iturbe - Chernowii
gAnalytics icon
Tivibu Kumanda icon
A useful remote control so you can sit back and relax
Secure icon
SnapOne, Inc.
Pure Breeze Lite icon
Samsung San Jose Mobile Lab
CrowdMobi icon
Decide on the best phone plan for you!
CloudMagic Search icon
CloudMagic, Inc.
GO Locker CYRix Theme icon
Lock your screen with a totally unique theme
rabota.ru icon
RDW Media
EVCounter icon
MobilePDFViewer icon
Joerg Jahnke
MobileTracker icon
Track your smartphone's location
TimeAct icon
vscreens.com icon
Sony Mobile Communications - v
Calc of Clans icon
Matty De Bie
Handy Note icon
AppBody (HK) Information Techn
Hebrew package for GO Launcher EX icon
GO Launcher Dev Team
Nepali Pride Nepali Keyboard icon
A great app for typing in Nepali on your smartphone
EasyReminder icon
Half D Games
Divide icon
Manage your work tasks with this tool
Correios icon
Pomodoro Software
JW Planner icon
Andrey Grishpenyuk, Vladimir G
Chile Calendario icon
Chile-focused event planner with holidays, reminders, and personal milestones
OneMediaHub icon
Funambol Inc.
Rastreador Celular icon
Track the location of your smartphone
The Vault icon
tr² mobile
GYF icon
Manage your smartphone with a launcher full of lateral features
Agenda 2016 icon
Calendar Droid Free icon
Alexander Hansen
OnShift icon
Streamline staffing and pay access with this mobile scheduling tool
Calendar with colors icon
Color-coded scheduling in an intuitive, clutter-free calendar app
noTelUrl icon
Joerg Voss
Notification-inator icon
Reshef Elisha
Indonesia package for GO Launcher EX icon
Indonesia language support for intuitive device navigation with GO Launcher
ViaCelular icon
sparklelotus icon
Kika Theme Dev
Macarons icon
Enhance mobile typing with emoticons, emojis, and custom themes
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