Change your current status to a pre-written one
Global Muslim prayer times, Qibla compass, and mosque locator app
Access tailored local deals effortlessly with this savings-focused app
Short, daily bible verses
Discover nearby spots with deals on dining, shopping, and services
Exclusive dining discounts for college town foodies
Prayer times and places for 2015
Put the person you love on your screen!
Gain access to Japanese programming
A commercial map of Japan with lots of detail
All the newest designs for your hands
Tips on designing your house
Listen to the Bible and its hymns every day with this app
Set your favorite photos as your keyboard background
Download and view content in your smartphone an earn points
Change your smartphone into a flashlight
Beauty tips and tricks for applying makeup
Get ready to make some delicious Chinese dishes
Daily personalized horoscope and compatibility insights
Delicious recipes ready to cook
What's going to happen in your love life?
Discover everything Singapore has to offer!
Make delicious cakes from scratch with this helpful app
Discover daily motivational quotes for inspiration and reflection
Get inspired with these motivational phrases
Portuguese version of the Bible
Visualize menus and delicious dishes to order
Manage and share magical images on social media
Listen to the most beautiful Islamic prayers with the voice of Adhan