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Emergency Apps

Discover the most reliable Emergency Apps for Android in this specially curated collection. These apps are designed to keep you safe and prepared for any unexpected situations, offering features like real-time alerts, easy access to emergency numbers, and practical guidelines for handling crises. Whether you're traveling, at home, or on the move, these tools transform your Android device into an indispensable safety companion. With user-friendly designs and comprehensive functionalities, these apps are perfect for staying informed and ready in any scenario. Think about a time when quick access to crucial emergency services could have made a difference—these apps ensure that you're just a button away from help. Download them now from Uptodown and enhance your preparedness today!
Emergency App Lite icon
Emergency aid app: quick secure SOS & info access
International SOS Wellbeing icon
Health app with smartwatch fitness tracking
ICE + tools icon
Comprehensive emergency toolkit for android
Emergency Medicine On Call icon
Emergency medicine app: reliable clinical insights
Instant Aid icon
Emergency aid app with step-by-step first aid instructions
Pierwsza Pomoc icon
Essential first aid guide app with CPR assistant and emergency tools