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Learn hacking techniques with this guide
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Ultimate Minecraft crafting guide for efficient gameplay
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Play in this Disney aerial adventure
With this widget, you'll have the prettiest clock on Android
Efficient English-Indonesian translation app with offline access
View PDF files from your tablet or smartphone
Translate from Hindi to English, even if you're offline
A way to understand and translate between English and German
A resource for translating between Arabic and English
Read the King James Bible on this app
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Spanish Bible app: trusted Reina Valera translation
Free Dictionary for Mastering English Idioms and Phrases
Oromoo-English Dictionary for Effective Language Learning
Persian Quran Study App with Multiple Translations and Search
Interactive kids' books with Lazy Town media elements
Access Surah Yaseen audio, translations, and reading customization easily
Interpret dreams with a multi-theory dictionary app
Thought-provoking Bible verses
Look up the meanings of words in Malabar
Explore Hafez's complete ghazals with audio recitations on your device
An excellent translation tool for Bangla and Arabic
Offline-accessible Bible app with audio and personalization features
A new translation with original names and elements from the Bible
Stream Orthodox Ethiopian Church teachings and mezmurs on your device
Islamic prayer app with Arabic and English translations
Master English-Sinhala: 40,000+ words offline with pronunciations
Visit Spain and Germany with this translator in your pocket