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Learn how to count in Korean in a new and fun way!
A useful multi-language translator
What sorts of things are flying over you in outer space right now?
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An easy and fast German translator
Find out what part of Europe license plates come from
Identify Japanese calligraphy in this game
A guide for Muslims from Malaysia
Swedish Academic Dictionary to help you learn
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Translate Korean to English in a blink of an eye
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Hadith collection for followers of Islam
The teachings and lectures of Soal Jawab Ustaz Azhar Idrus
Swahili Bible app with offline access and customizable features
Thousands of SMS ready to be sent
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Manage your prayer times with this app
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You can read all your e-books with this smart reader
A source for textbooks in Croatian
From Arab to French and vice versa with this translator
Free online Marathi - English dictionary
Know everything about the Mantra gods
A powerful English - Bengali dictionary
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