Zenless Zone Zero is an action RPG developed by the creators of the spectacular Genshin Impact, which leaves behind that magical fantasy setting in favor...
119.2 k downloads
Date A Live: Spirit Pledge is an anime-style RPG that combines action-packed battles with the narrative concept of visual novels. It's a video game that...
92.2 k downloads
Fate/Grand Order is a JRPG framed within the popular visual novel reincarnated via some fairly competent franchising initiated by Fate/Stay Night. Rewind to 2015 where...
790.9 k downloads
Bubble Witch Saga is a puzzle game inspired by the classical Puzzle Bobble, in which our objective will be to make every coloured bubble in...
274.6 k downloads
Tarisland is a fantasy MMORPG created by Tencent and Level Infinite, which transports you to an imposing universe full of magical characters and secrets to...
38.9 k downloads
Magic Survival (매직서바이벌) is a beautiful survival arcade with a dark and minimalist aesthetic where you play a young witch, trying to survive as long...
44.3 k downloads
Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds is the global version of this spectacular role-playing title based on one of the most important franchises in the world...
22.6 k downloads
Magic School Story is a fantastic adventure that invites you to build a magic school where dozens of young wizards will start their magic and...
55.3 k downloads
Stella Fantasy is a role-playing game with anime aesthetics that invites you to explore a fantasy world full of color and adventure.
Explore a magical and...
120.1 k downloads
Blade II - The Return of Evil is a third-person action game that challenges to complete missions that'll definitely test your combat skills. We're talking...
20.4 k downloads