An easy way to manage your 4G and network data
Converter for tons of different units of measurement
A useful unit and size converter
Write in Bengali on your device
Demo OpenGL for creating and editing graphics
Muting the volume is a cinch
Control multiple webcams to make sure you keep an eye on everything
How much Coke...I mean battery you got left?
Manage the market on Titanium Backup PRO
What's new in the world of apps and games?
Another way to turn off your device from your touch screen
A Spanish dictionary for the SlideIT keyboard
Convert your videos to MP3s in seconds
You thought you couldn't make your battery more efficient?
Stats on everything you do with your smartphone
A useful compass for finding Qibla
Looking up information couldn't be any easier
Make a backup copy of your text messages
Ever wonder how fast your Internet connection really is?
Don't worry about confusing notifications from your social apps
News and Internet tools for the popular Albanian website
MX Player codec that you may need
A shortcut to activate (or deactivate) 2G and 3G
Use your device to see the indoor and outdoor temperature
Flashing lights for receiving calls or notifications
Keep track of the statistics of your Android device
Find out which Brazilian phone provider your contacts have
Record non-stop, high-quality video
Find and connect to the closest WiFi network
A clock that will also inform you of the weather
Promotions and news for Dragonplay games
If you want to draw on your smartphone, this is the app for you
Extract all the data linked to barcodes and QR codes the easy way
A nice widget with the date, time, and weather
A voice assistant on your smartphone from Motorola
Explore summits offline with a detailed amateur radio companion app
Get rid of the trash on your device
App to find torrent files
Streamline task management with intuitive, efficient organizer app
A dog training whistle simulator
Round the corners of your photos
An online translator with a phrasebook and dictionary
Customizable calendar widget with seamless multi-platform syncing
Check the weather forecast in Brazil
Information and services for your line with Italian Telecom
Measure the distance between your camera and any object
Super fast downloads for your smartphone or tablet
Lots of plugins on your Android screen