Produce audio tones
Check the exact direction of Mecca
Calculate how much love you have
Check your family's balance from your smartphone
Create light patterns with shapes
Guess the words in German
Find torrents for any files you want
Watch this marquee scroll on your screen
A powerful flashlight to light the way
Keep the darkness at bay with this flashlight
Everything you say as text
Improve performance with this cleaner and optimizer
Take notes on a widget with pastel colors
An original and convenient way to see your battery information
Learn nearby temperatures
An address book for keeping track of your contacts
Find the exact GPS coordinates for certain locations
Look up information for your smartphone
A calculator that converts fractions, decimals, and much more
Efficient contact backup and recovery app with offline functionality
The first weather station for Android
Don't ever worry about getting lost again with this GPS
Save your personal files on Verizon Cloud
Charge your battery quickly with this tool
A clock and flashlight app with colorful lights
Manage your WiFi passwords with this app
Convert units quickly with this app
Perform complex operations with this calculator
Boost the quality of your connection
Translate dozens of languages in the moment
A remote control for your PC
A great option for keeping your smartphone safe
Measure the altitude no matter where you are
Powerful graphing calculator for plotting and analyzing mathematical functions
Improve your WiFi signal
Translate between Turkish and English with this app
Browse the Internet safely and without restrictions
An intelligent library management system
Find out where incoming calls are coming from geographically