Celebrate your friendships with these wallpapers
The fart sound revolution is here!
Sound clips from the British Royal Family
Shake this egg up for a special surprise!
Hit that egg to find its inside
What will this egg bring?
An app with sounds from famous cars
Prank your friends with fake calls
Your own personal storyteller, right on your smartphone
Wallpapers with thought-provoking phrases
Get the cutest cat pictures on your smartphone
Drink water and find the surprise
Shave heads with these terrifying sounds
The best Alfredo Duro phrases
Create fake news stories and send them to your friends
The best rap stations in the world
Phrases and images to show dad how much you love him
Create your own fidget spinner with this tutorial
New collection of Hindi & English SMS to share with your friends
Share Jokes with friends on any social site or apps.
Make your hair grow with your smartphone's vibration and flash
Find beautiful images and add frames to your photos