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Download education & languages apps for Android for free

Indian Constitution icon
Learn Indian Constitution with notes, quizzes, videos in English/Hindi
Marbel Hijaiyah icon
An app for teaching kids about the hijaiyah
Canciones y Cuentos icon
Cuentos infantiles & canci
Marbel Wudhu icon
Islamic ablution learning app for kids aged 4-8 with interactive games
HR Interview Questions Lite icon
3D Rhymes icon
KIDSS Chifro
Italian Verbs icon
Appicenter LLC
MySchoolDiary Pro icon
Digital tool for tracking homework, grades, and class schedules
Nursery Rhymes Number Songs icon
Songs for Kids Studio LTD
LatihTubi icon
Master Malaysian exams with LatihTubi's 4,000+ topical questions app
Yasin,Tahlil & Al-Mathurat icon
A religious app in Malay
englishcourse icon
Learn Swedish Words Free icon
Master Swedish: 10,000+ flashcards, audio, and sleep learning
Ramadan Recipes icon
Explore diverse, authentic Ramadan recipes for iftar and suhoor
Calculator MLG icon
Advanced calculator app with intuitive interface for all math needs
Streszczenia.pl icon
Netstel Software
SPEAKING 900 icon
YGS-LYS Puan Hesaplama icon
Said Tahsin Dane
Aptitude Interview Questions icon
Ace interviews with 400+ aptitude questions and practice tests
Sinonimi icon
FR-ES Translator icon
Efficient French-Spanish translation tool for effective communication learning
EdHandbook icon
Kozlov Alexandr
Kids CARS icon
iTo, UAB
Essential app for Indonesian teachers, info hub and professional tools
Kids Learning Letters Lite icon
Fun4Kids HoneyBee
Wiz Kid Free icon
ResponseWare icon
Interactive polling app for real-time engagement and educational retention
Menghafal Alquran icon
Learn about and memorize the Quran
FR <> EN Translator icon
Translate words and phrases between French and English
YDS Kelime Ezberleme icon
Master YDS vocab: pronunciation, customization, and test modes
Stone Soup icon
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Eseryazar icon
Ultimate Review Apps
ACTPhoto icon
ACT, Inc.
Easy Learn english icon
This is one of the best ways to learn English
Mon BAC - ECO icon
Educational app with economics courses and national exam prep
Origami Airplanes icon
Learn how to fold the best paper airplanes
Marbel Benda icon
Kids' Interactive House Object Learning & Educational Games App
MultiAstro Free icon
Teacher's Choice
MD Practice Driving Test icon
Find out if you could pass the test to get your driver's license
Povesti icon
Active Soft SRL
Basic GK Questions icon
Sree Apps
Tes Sidik Jari icon
Superlink ID
Read4English icon
Brainglass Data AB
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